
9 August 2013

Castor oil – “Does it make my eyelashes grow longer?” What can you do with it?

Many ladies all over the world have heard of or used castor oil as a beauty product. But most people are first introduced to castor oil as a product in medicine. Indeed, castor oil has many uses. Hopefully, all the tips and tricks with castor oil will help you get the best use out of it!

Castor oil is a vegetable oil, obtained by pressing the seeds of the castor plant Ricinus communis. It is usually colourless or of very pale yellow colour and has no taste or odour. Most commonly, castor oil is used as a laxative and labor inducer. Castor oil is also used as an ingredient in medicine. However, remedial use is not the only one for castor oil! Its popularity has grown as a product making hair grow faster, therefore, castor oil is trending as an alternative to expensive lash and brow growth enhancers, such as DuLash, RapidLash and similar. But does it really work?

Firstly, castor oil is definitely beneficial for skin and hair. It gets absorbed quickly and provides moisturizing effects. It can be applied to the ends of dry hair to moisturize and prevent split ends, or massage it into your roots to enhance your hair growth (do it in the evening and wash it out the next day). Castor oil is definitely moisturizing to the skin and is said to have been used to prevent wrinkles! And, to answer the previous question, it helps your eyelashes and eyebrows grow, too.

Castor oil, 100ml - local pharmacy, ~£2.50

I have been using castor oil for my eyelashes and eyebrows for around 1.5 months, and I have definitely seen improvement (unfortunately I do not have comparison photos, because at that time I did not think  of it to be useful for me later). I wouldn’t say my eyelashes have grown longer; the main difference is that there are many more of them. They are definitely less sparse than before, and it shows especially when wearing mascara. Potentially after an even longer use, I will see more results. The effect on my eyebrows is similar, there is way more hair in them than before. Apply a drop of castor oil on clean eyelashes before night time with a clean mascara wand (a disposable one if you like) and wash it off in the morning, or wipe your eyelashes gently with a cotton pad before you wash your face. Make sure not to get any in your eyes!

Castor oil as more uses past the hair growth enhancement, thought! For example, it can be used as antimicrobial, to care for skin infections especially. Moreover, it can relieve pain of joints and increase circulation. Use castor oil in massages to alleviate constipation and decrease stress, too!
You can also use castor oil to soften your cuticles and improve the condition of brittle nails. Just massage a tiny amount into your cuticles and nails every day. Finally, along with using castor oil on your eyelashes to enhance their growth, massage it thinly and gently under your eyes to soothe your tired eyes and improve the dark circles under your eyes!

What do you use castor oil for? How does it work for you? Let me know!

Until next time,
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More on castor oil (References):

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